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Spiritual Growth and Intuitive Development with Teresa Foxworthy - 877.472.6474 Spiritual Healing & Development

with Teresa Foxworthy ...creating Heaven on Earth... *********************************************************************
Teresa Foxworthy
P.O. Box 558
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Toll Free: 1. (877) 472.6474

| angel love | new millennium | dakini love | feng shui elegance | astrology | voice coach | tantric princess |  
| fragrant gardens | aromatherapy | path to the beloved | life coaching | teresa foxworthy | club shangri-la |  

The INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT & SPIRITUAL HEALING services offered here by The Angel Love Foundation,
in conjunction with Club Shangri-La and Dakini Love, Int'l.,
were developed with the beginner in mind. However, more advanced students and practioners will benefit as they discover the quality of support available, no matter where they are on their journey. Whether it's the hastening of conscious evolution on the planet or just coming to terms with one's progress in the rat race, these services were created to assist those who are becoming increasingly aware of the more subtle energies in life.

Perhaps as a complement to our high-tech lifestyles we benefit by simply tuning into the natural states of our own beings. This requires help in understanding how to work with them to heal more deeply and evolve more harmoniously.

Eliminating the psychic blocks saves years of therapy. As we all know, there is the physical body to heal, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual or psychic.

Tuning into cosmic light, allowing it to cleanse our chakras, tuning into earth energy and directing it to ground us back in our bodies on the Earth, and such, are stages in meditation and psychic healing. From there, repairing the layers of our aura, using crystals and gemstones to benefit our bodies, minds, hearts and souls is like waking up inside a rainbow dream.

Feeling spacey?
Invaded by other people's energies?
Needing to connect more with The Light?
Want to know how to work with crystals?
Do you want to meditate?

Holistic healing is an attempt to integrate our full experience as we seek to improve our well-being. The four dimensions of our being need to be assessed and properly integrated for optimum health. First, we cultivate physical health with correct diet, exercise, sleep, etc. Mentally, we pursue our relaxation, education and careers to cultivate a dynamic intellect. Emotionally, we develop beautifully with helpful support and nurturing as we release the hurts that we've carried for so long.

But what about spiritually? This domain of psychic or spiritual healing is quite the open territory of what mortals normally discuss. Religion traditionally helped us heal our souls as well as nurture and feed our spirits.

Spirituals movements developed as individuals began to seek more evolved ways of bringing the Divine into their lives. If in fact we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we might benefit knowing more about our spiritual makeup. Similar to our physiology, our emotional states and types of intelligence, there is more to discover about our spiritual and psychic realities.

All energy is light. We may clear the blocks and patterns and attachments of our past with increased psychic development to flush and spin the chakras, our primary energy centers for power, love, truth, vision, etc. Directing universal sources to heal and clear our chakras then allows our aura to be strong and robust while humble and relaxed as we seek and fulfill the purpose in our lives.

*********************************************************************** or call for an appointment
by phone or in person :

Toll Free: 1 ( 8 7 7 ) 4 7 2 - 6 4 7 4

Reclaim your psychic strength and peace...


  • Meditate
  • Rejuvenate & align your chakras
  • Cleanse and expand the layers of your aura
  • Ground yourself and nourish your spirit
  • Open to Divine guidance & talk with your angels
  • Open your heart to love and be loved
  • Raise your spiritual vibration
  • Integrate the various aspects of your being
  • Have more healing relationships
  • Understand your soul's contract in this life
  • Benefit from toning & sound healing
  • Distinguish between emotional & spiritual needs
  • Achieve greater clarity & light
  • & much more...


Voice Coaching
Emerging Goddess Journey
Noble Warrior Odyssey
Path to the Beloved
The Dating Coach
Angel Links
Feng Shui Elegance, Int'l.
Astrology Readings
Calendar of Events
The Angel Love Foundation
Organic Chakra Oils
Organic Essential Oils
Aromatherapy Consultations
New Millennium Consulting, Int'l.
Club Shangri-La
Dakini Love, Int'l.